Just a short one until I get my act together and post something awesome soon. Much big news to come!
I was browsing the Herald Sun again (I am rather self-destructive) and ran across this little gem:
Demi Moore in Twitter war with Kim Kardashian over her use of word 'pimpin'.
I can't beleive I opened this story thinking I was going to get some sort of social commentary. The word 'Twitter' should have been warning enough.

Palunawack - A word without a fixed definition. May be used as an exclamation, adjective or noun to describe something of particular excellence, interest or frustration much like a profanity.
Created in 1998 during a word-search mishap, due to a combination of over-enthusiasm, missing tubas and music teachers living in the 70s.
Created in 1998 during a word-search mishap, due to a combination of over-enthusiasm, missing tubas and music teachers living in the 70s.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Feminism - a lot more simple and complex than you'd expect
I just know this post is going to lead to trouble. I can feel the foreboding. But since when has impending and predictable doom ever put me off anything?
Feminism is a tricky topic, what with the fact that I'm male and all, so normally I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole. But I came across a couple of things last week that have made it very firmly my business. And I treat my business seriously, if moderately sarcastically.
The cause was the Herald Sun. For those who don't live in Melbourne, the HS is our tabloid paper. Still legitimate news but pretty trashy. If you want a good indication what the average person is interested in/thinking, the HS is the place to go.
As of 2005, everything the HS prints is firmly my business, ever since their number one shock-jock columnist, Andrew Bolt, specifically targeted my Uni course as "do-nothing, scary hippy freaks". A mistake on his part.
Feminism is a tricky topic, what with the fact that I'm male and all, so normally I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole. But I came across a couple of things last week that have made it very firmly my business. And I treat my business seriously, if moderately sarcastically.
The cause was the Herald Sun. For those who don't live in Melbourne, the HS is our tabloid paper. Still legitimate news but pretty trashy. If you want a good indication what the average person is interested in/thinking, the HS is the place to go.
As of 2005, everything the HS prints is firmly my business, ever since their number one shock-jock columnist, Andrew Bolt, specifically targeted my Uni course as "do-nothing, scary hippy freaks". A mistake on his part.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
You've done what now?
Every now and then we are privileged to be witness of an act of such comic improbability that we are compelled to share it immediately.
Last night was involved just such an incident.
It's been a while since I was last out on the town with the boys, so I had been looking forward to Saturday for a while. A footy game, several bars and some highly inadvisable dancing later (I will never learn my lesson about that. In fact I flatly refuse to) we piled into a cab and headed home.
Now me and the boys all live about an hour out from the city from a place called Ringwood. Ringwood could be described a number of ways. 'Culturally diverse melting-pot' is one, provided you consider 'bogan', 'confused pensioner' and 'mothers wear matching clothes to their children' to be cultures.
Last night was involved just such an incident.
It's been a while since I was last out on the town with the boys, so I had been looking forward to Saturday for a while. A footy game, several bars and some highly inadvisable dancing later (I will never learn my lesson about that. In fact I flatly refuse to) we piled into a cab and headed home.
Now me and the boys all live about an hour out from the city from a place called Ringwood. Ringwood could be described a number of ways. 'Culturally diverse melting-pot' is one, provided you consider 'bogan', 'confused pensioner' and 'mothers wear matching clothes to their children' to be cultures.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Writing is a lot easier and harder than I thought it would be
So I got a lot of praise for those travel emails I was sending home, and even before that people have always told me I write pretty well. So when I got home I thought I’ll start doing this thing properly – writing is obviously my form of expression, so let try and get some solid stuff down on paper.
I started this blog, I started editing The Palunawack Tours for a book and I even started mapping out some of my own thoughts on philosophy (more to come on that another time).
But while the actual writing bit come naturally once I’ve started, it’s the getting started bit that seems to be a problem here.
I’m guessing we’re all familiar with this feeling of impending doom you get when you’re asked or planning to try something you care a lot about. The totally irrational but completely undeniable feeling that ‘If I start this, the world very well might end’.
That, combined with a certain set of bizarre emotional spasms I’ve been experiencing lately as a result of being on the other end of the staying-home-while-someone-else-travels situation (seriously, I was away for 12 months, she’s only gone for three. I should really just shut the hell up) are the reason for the extended period of silence on this blog.
But no more!
And yes! I’m aware I’ve said that before! Shut up!
I started this blog, I started editing The Palunawack Tours for a book and I even started mapping out some of my own thoughts on philosophy (more to come on that another time).
But while the actual writing bit come naturally once I’ve started, it’s the getting started bit that seems to be a problem here.
I’m guessing we’re all familiar with this feeling of impending doom you get when you’re asked or planning to try something you care a lot about. The totally irrational but completely undeniable feeling that ‘If I start this, the world very well might end’.
That, combined with a certain set of bizarre emotional spasms I’ve been experiencing lately as a result of being on the other end of the staying-home-while-someone-else-travels situation (seriously, I was away for 12 months, she’s only gone for three. I should really just shut the hell up) are the reason for the extended period of silence on this blog.
But no more!
And yes! I’m aware I’ve said that before! Shut up!
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