Palunawack - A word without a fixed definition. May be used as an exclamation, adjective or noun to describe something of particular excellence, interest or frustration much like a profanity.

Created in 1998 during a word-search mishap, due to a combination of over-enthusiasm, missing tubas and music teachers living in the 70s.


Friday, January 29, 2010

The Palunawack Tours - I'm coming home

Damn, damn, damn.

You spend 3 hours typing up a homeoming email and then manage to delete the damn thing adding the final touchs minutes before boarding the plane. Bugger. But somehow it's a fitting end to this shambolic parade of mine across Europe.

Meant to be boarding now so keeping this brief for once!

Thanks to everyone I met or stayed wih. You guys made this trip what it was, and it was beyond awesome
Thanks to everyone who took the time to email, call or facebook me over here, despite the fact you guys actually had real lives at the time. You guys kept me sane and grounded.

Oh and thanks to popular demand (still can't beliee how much you guys liked these episodes) I've started a blog. Follow the link below and click the 'Follow' button on the right to get a heads-up when there's something new to report

Not sure exactly what I'll be writing about once I get home, but since I'm rarely short of an opinion it should be interesting. I've also uploaded all 13 episodes of The Palunawack Tours - get your old Episodes now!

I hit ground on Wednesday the 2nd and will NOT be doing a welcome home party,basically because at the going away party I barely spoke to anyone and spent the whole night doing laps. Instead I'll be trying to catch up with everyone back home one on one or in small groups.

Given the enormity of the task here, help me out by sending me a message if you want to catch up - I'm free practically 24/7 thanks to my glorious unemployment (read as::-)Hippy Bum. It's official now) so let me know when is good for you.

Thanks again guys. And if you want a nice audio sum-up of how I'm feeling right now, you need only ask John Butler:

Ciao Europe. See you in 28 hours Australia!

What cheer!


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