Palunawack - A word without a fixed definition. May be used as an exclamation, adjective or noun to describe something of particular excellence, interest or frustration much like a profanity.

Created in 1998 during a word-search mishap, due to a combination of over-enthusiasm, missing tubas and music teachers living in the 70s.


Monday, January 23, 2012

Awesome stuff: How It Should Have Ended

Another new feature of the Chronicles to help break up the endless reams of existential crisis is Awesome stuff.

It's exactly what it sounds like. Stuff I stumbled across that is awesome. Enjoy.

How It Should Have Ended

The entire premise of this series of videos is exactly what the title says; how various popular movies and video games should have ended (so clearly I'm not the only one that struggles with witty names).

Sounds predictable and nerdy right? Nope! Amazingly enough the series manages to balance pop culture, wit and safe for work-ness extremely well and there are about 70 videos up there already - nothing like a backlog of awesomeness to keep me happy.

Generally speaking these are all pretty damn entertaining, but a few of my favorites include:

How the Lord of the Rings Should Have Ended

How Predator Should Have Ended

How Iron Man Should Have Ended

And finally, and most hilariously,
How The Dark Knight Should Have Ended


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