Palunawack - A word without a fixed definition. May be used as an exclamation, adjective or noun to describe something of particular excellence, interest or frustration much like a profanity.

Created in 1998 during a word-search mishap, due to a combination of over-enthusiasm, missing tubas and music teachers living in the 70s.


Monday, November 30, 2009

The Paluanawack Tours - Episode 3

Woo! It's been a while since the last update so brace yourselves...

Lots happening here since the last email.

We've had snow! 3 dumps of beautiful powder meant off-track skiing was possible, to general joy all round. The best thing about fresh snow: it doesn't matter how fast you're going or how hard you fall, it's nearly impossible to hurt yourself. It's like hitting, well, powder. Check out the You Tube link for more videos!

Beleive it or not there's a Buddist Temple here. I've made one brief visit with plans for more. Very beautiful building that they invite you to come in and visit, join in a meditation and so on.

We've had a couple of events including a School Day when we were inundated by 250 Year 10 children for one day, who we ran activities for. Much fun, and it's had me down a cave for three days in a row. And on every one of those three days I managed to leave the emergency bag we take with us, down the cave...
Ok the first 2 times, I just grabbed it the next time I was down. But the third time...I had no choice but to sneak out during a coffee break, grab a torch, let reception know "if I'm not back by lunchtime, panic" and ride like a maniac to the cave.

We've also had Klondike: 200 US Boy Scouts here for 3 days. These guys are the Trans-Atlantic Region, which means they live overseas, but are still US Scouts. Mainly from military bases.
My conclusion from this event: Western Civilisation is doomed.

I've met plenty of wonderful Americans, people I get on really well with and have had intelligent conversations with.
Being told to put cheese on a bun that the owner had failed to open, having to physically move children out of the way of a van right in front of them, people who only acknowledge you if you yell at them, and being told that "You should fear September 11" by a 10 year old, did not help this rapport.

I've also managed a few personal disgraces, including:

Falling a couple of metres off the roof beams while showing off some Parkour skills (
: Walking very stiff for 3 days and general hilarity at my expense.

Ordering 'Das Boot' from one of the local bars, and failing to understand the Swiss instructions on the side that this 3L beverage should be shared with friends. Anyone who saw me on my 18th birthday will have a pretty good idea what happened next.
Result: 3 day hangover and managed to drop a Finnish girl down the stairs. To my defense, I was not a good choice to carry her upstairs. More general hilarity on my behalf, a pissed off room mate and the quote of the week: "If she's dead we're screwed..."

Having hijacked dinner for an Australia Day BBQ, and convincing everyone from the Director down that it was a good idea to make guests eat outside, I managed to forget how long it takes a BBQ to warm up...
Result: Some dirty looks from the catering staff, several startled looks from guests when they saw me wearing sandles and shorts, but a very enjoyable night beyond that.

Beyond this I've been quite well behaved. I'm obviously not trying hard enough.

As predicted, the homesickness everyone warned me about has been hitting at various intervals. Miss you all thoroughly. It's not till you're away that you realise how much you rely on everyone for support, and as I now realise, a sense of identity. I've noticed I've ranged through quite a variety of personalities since arriving and only now starting to get my head-space back. All very interesting and a bit scary how easily I became unballanced!

Still, that's what this trip is about: learning new things, understanding myself better,
and looking for purpose. Working here at the Scout Chalet is terrific (and rather sheltered I'll admit) but I am champing at the bit to get out and do my own thing.

So, photos.
As the last 3 emails showed, I'm having trouble with attaching photos - people's addresses keep bouncing.
So here's what I propose: all the pics are up on Facebook already (see links below). Join up and/or make me a Friend and you can see them all. I'm down as 'Gordon William Francis Young'.

I also have quite a few more videos up on You Tube:

Hope you're all well. Keep the replies coming! Sorry about the delays in my replies, they tend to stack up.

What Cheer!


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