Palunawack - A word without a fixed definition. May be used as an exclamation, adjective or noun to describe something of particular excellence, interest or frustration much like a profanity.

Created in 1998 during a word-search mishap, due to a combination of over-enthusiasm, missing tubas and music teachers living in the 70s.


Monday, February 27, 2012

Alleyway dining: Panama

Smith Street is, in my opinion, one of the most bizarre streets in Melbourne. 

Walking down here you see everything; hipsters, fashionistas, fabulous gay men, homeless people, grungy teens and everything in between. Within a single block you can pass the most ridiculously over-priced boutique selling useless arty crap and then world's cheapest shitty café, often right next to each other. Want to feel fashionable and slightly uncomfortable about your safety at the same time? Smith Street is the place to do it.

So when I tell you that Panama can only be reached by entering a very nondescript door,

climbing what appears to be a metal fire escape for three stories, before arriving at a fire door completely devoid of any signage, you're likely to think I've made a terrible mistake.

Look at this door. You just know you're about to walk in on something extremely important that you absolutely should not interrupt. Like a theatre production or mafia drug deal or something.
But if you manage the climb and have the guts to barge through what looks like the door into a high-risk industrial plant, then you'll experience the only restaurant I've ever found that manages to combine relaxed with excellence.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The 6 Ps.

Prior Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance.

Apparently I need this tattooed on my face. Or my hand or whatever. It's a sign of my mental state today that it's taken me 15 minutes to realise that I wouldn't be able to see a tattoo on my face. Guh.

I've been sitting on about three half-complete  blog posts for the last 3 weeks because I've been busy with a variety of things that I suddenly realised could no longer be put off on the basis that they were 'ages away'. One of those things was a tender I've been writing up for work.

Without naming names and exposing myself to legal acion, I work as a sustainability consultant for a small environmental consultancy (who'd have thunk it) based in the inner suburbs of Melbourne. The job is a new one and if there was a single word for my experiences there, that word is "WTF".

As in "WTF am I meant to be doing here?", or "WTF is my job description exactly?", and today, very suddenly,  "WTF do you mean I have 3 hours to submit that crucial proposal?".

My mental landscape for the last 9 hours.